I have three grown children who are doing very well though there have been some "detours." Just the changing of minds, one involving a mate whose mind changed within hours, maybe minutes after the vows were said, and one involving a career change. I am 53 years old and, selfishly I am sure, I would love to see my children have Godly mates who are crazy about them, and producing Godly babies. I have asked the Lord to send these Godly mates, more than once. Maybe I have even reached the point of coveting - wanting my situation to be different. Brian tells me that if I am dissatisfied with the way things are and wishing they would change, I am coveting something else. I believe I can go to God and make any request but I also think I am to be full of thanksgiving and trust, knowing that He wants only good things for my children. And He loves them more than I am capable. I am in the flesh and even the best I can do for them or imagine for them is in the flesh. God sees everything. He is the perfect Father. Lately, I have been praying for them according to Ephesians and Colossians. Here are just a few of the verses...
Ephesians 1:17 I pray God will give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation that will allow them to know His fullness.
1:18a I pray God will fully enlighten their understanding (so they will clearly see the truth, the reality, of every circumstance.)
1"19 I pray they will experience the exceeding greatness of His power in us who believe.
Colossians 1:9 I pray they will have all wisdom and spiritual understanding to know God's will.
1:10a I pray their lives will please God by being faithful, living expressions of Jesus.
1:10c I pray they will always increase in knowledge of and intimacy with God.
1:11a I pray that they will always be strengthened with His might and meet every circumstance in is His power.
1:11a - 12a I pray that they will be patient, long-suffering, and Joy-ful as they thank God for everything.
I am so thankful for my children and the people they are. They thrill me. I am so thankful I am not in control and God is. I am so thankful that the God who created every star and knows each one by name loved my children so much that He gave His Son to die for them, taking away all of their sins forever. I am thankful they are in His loving hands!!!