Friday, May 1, 2009

Pink Saturday

Again, Beverly at HowSweetTheSound invites you to see lots of pink. I stopped by our local Pink Ladies Store last Saturday. This is the organization that operates a type of GoodWill Store, raising money for our hospital. I found two pretty pink pieces. The first is a 7 inch plate for a candle. It has a shiny luster that doesn't come through on this photo. The second is a container for a plant. I may not use it for plants because it could hold anything. Next are two pictures of MORE RAIN TODAY!!!!!! Praise the Lord!! Have a blessed weekend.


FancyHorse said...

Such pretty pink items! Sounds like a great place to shop! Is that a picture of your table on your header? It's very pretty, too. Did you make it?

Claudia said...

Great pink finds at the shop! Congratulations! i'm glad to hear its raining and Happy Pink Saturday!

♥Mimi♥ said...

Gorgeous items...but...I can do without the rain! I have enough of my own, thank-you-very-much! Happy Pink Saturday!

Betty Jo said...

Hi Jennifer, love your pink post. The planter is gorgeous, and I would use it elsewhere too. Just too pretty for dirt! Congrats on the rain. Happy Pink Saturday. ♥

Marie Reed said...

So nice to see you reveling in the sweet rain! Happy Pink Saturday!

Dru said...

What great pink finds! How did you get your rain to look pink too? LOL! It' raining here also, but mine's not pink - too bad. Have a Happy Pink Saturday!

Ruth MacC said...

your last couple of photos are great, what an eye you have!

SmilingSally said...

I do see the pretty luster a little on that pretty pink plate.

Eww to the rain; let's hope that May will bring flowers.

Unknown said...

That candle plate is so cute, but my favorite picture is the last one of the rain on the pink tiles!

Beansieleigh said...

LOVE the pink plate!! Happy Pink Saturday, and have a wonderful weekend!

Char said...

Yes, I would say you have had enough rain for awhile, Happy PInk Saturday, Char

Anonymous said...

Such pretty pinks and what a wonderful store/organization. You'll not only get to enjoy this pink pieces but you also know you've bought something from a wonderful store/organization.

Bumble Bee Cottage said...

Very nice thrifting finds. It looks as if you have received some very serious rain; don’t get washed away ;) Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

Bumble Bee Cottage said...

Very nice thrifting finds. It looks as if you have received some very serious rain; don’t get washed away ;) Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

Light and Voices said...

My goodness! I haven't ever seen Pink rain before. Now that is different. Happy belated Pink Saturday.
Joyce M

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Running late this week visiting blogs....Hope you had a Happy Pink Saturday ~ Susan

The Old Parsonage said...

What great treasures. I'm a little late with my visits, but there are a lot of blogs to read.

Have a great day!