Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010

Brian finished the first chicken tractor so they are out of my house!! It was a beautiful day. Tonight we grilled burgers and at in the sunshine with my folks. As soon as that sun fell behind the tall trees, it was cool. Daddy finished shelling the pecans in the afternoon. I took some pictures of the prolific roses.



Anonymous said...

Look how cute those chicks are! :-) And they have their very own wee home. Are they hard to raise? I would it owuld be so much fun but then that would be contrary, right?

And how lucky are you with the roses! They sure bloom so generously. It must smell so sweet whenever you go to your garden. Love roses! :-)


John said...

I like your blog.
It's fantastic and great pictures too.

Please visit this blog:


Keep blogging.

Have a great time.

Mike said...

This blog is great. I used to live up in that part of the state. Come visit my blog and let me know what kind of chicks those are. I have some Ameraucanas that are about 2.5 months old.

Mike said...

This blog is great. I used to live up in that part of the state. Come visit my blog and let me know what kind of chicks those are. I have some Ameraucanas that are about 2.5 months old.

Fun Sugar Cookies-Cake said...

I like your flowers and garden


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diamond engagement rings said...

Wow, very lovely garden. nice view!

FancyHorse said...

I miss you. It's been a long time since you posted. I hope you are okay.
Yours, Nancy