Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Spring

What a beautiful day!
I did, however, have to travel to Abilene and sit for a bit in a dental chair and now my right 1st bicuspid is in a little box in my purse. Why would a tooth just crack in half, right down the middle?? It has been hurting for a year but last week much more intensely. I felt like some meat was hanging between two teeth and tried to use my fingernail to remove it but discovered my tooth was thoroughly cracked. I have had very little dental work, only 2 cavities just last year. After Casey was born, my OBGYN, Dr. Dillard, told me that if he had to judge the most painful delivery he had seen, none would have been more painful than the delivery of Casey. I am not a wimp. But dental work scares me silly. The nurse had said on the phone that should the tooth need to be extracted, he might suggest I go to an oral surgeon who would sedate me. That sounded fine to me. But, he didn't skip a beat and after he poked my tooth and saw it was cracked to the root, he immediately began rubbing on the topical anesthetic. "What are you doing? I garbled. He never removed the tools from my mouth and explained that the tooth had to come out. I was able to convey that I was a little surprised because I understood he might send me to the surgeon. But, he was sure that while I would feel pressure, it wouldn't be painful. After 2 shots and a few minutes, it was out and though it hurts a little now, there was no pain. I will spare you any pictures.
Before we went to Abilene, I decorated the tales at Cornerstone for the ladies' meal. I used small limbs from our ornamental plum tree and small bird nests I purchased at the after Christmas sale. They had been tree ornaments. I am sharing them as a Happy Spring Greeting.


Ruth MacC said...

I really enjoy it when you post photos here:0) Happy Spring (!)

Anonymous said...

Hello Jennifer,

UUgghhh nobody wants a toothache gone bad :-( It is just painful. But as much as how painful it is at the thought of extracting it . . . I think we feel quite relieved when it's all out. no more suffering LOL

On a happier note, love your Spring tree :-) and the nest is such an adorable addition to it :-)


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Happy Spring to you, sweet friend!

I share your tooth pain . . . I have a cracked filling and a procrastinating nature (I should call the dentist for an appointment before it worsens -- thanks for the nudge).

: D

FancyHorse said...

What lovely table decorations!

I'm very sorry about your cracked tooth. (Are you saving it for the Tooth Fairy, ha ha?)
I hope your mouth feels better by now.