Monday, February 9, 2009

Around The House...

Here are some scenes around my house today. First is the poinsettia that is still looking pretty nice.

Today, this lovely daffodil opened herself to the world in front of Brian's office...

And, here are a few of the hearts I enjoy. The first is just here during Valentines and the next are here all the time. I will share more hearts this week.

I just recalled that I did pour some water on the bowl that time it sat on the wood burning stove. Oh yea...


FancyHorse said...

Spring is springing, the daffodil is blooming, tra la la!

The heart-shaped glass bowl is beautiful, and a family treasure! I'm sure it is precious to you!

(I answered you on my blog, but will repeat it here in case you don't see it there:

I'm glad the Lord has blessed your marriage. 18 doesnt' have to be too young, if the Lord is with you!

We're Southern Baptist. You?)

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Oh how I love that little heart dish! I collect Boopie goblets & they have a beaded edge like that.