Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Word Filled Wednesday

My dad grew up near this house. As you observe, it has seen better days. How fast deterioration occurs in this world of the dying. Lord, please help us to do as this scripture says for time is short, no matter how long we live. I don't want to suddenly realize I am in the same shape as this old house and that I haven't grown in the wisdom of the Creator.

Enjoy more scripture filled pictures at The160AcreWoods.


Denise said...

Such a wonderful WFW.

Amydeanne said...

i love this, i'm always looking at these old buildings!

Saleslady371 said...

What a good illustration of this scripture!

Joan said...

Some days I feel just like that house. But after some precious moments with the Lord, I feel renewed.
Happy WFW!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Amen! May we always remember to go to our Heavenly Father for wisdom and understanding. Thanks for tge reminder!

Happy WFW!

Laurie Ann said...

I love old houses and barns and doors. May we never let ourselves deteriorate intentionally like that. Great reminder! Happy WFW!

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Beautiful reminder. So true!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I'm constantly asking for more wisdom & discernment, and I agree...I don't want to end up in a flimsy condition! :)

Andrea said...

Beautiful blog. andrea

ellen b. said...

Hi Jennifer. I love the photo you chose to illustrate this verse with! Blessings...

Toia said...

I love the last line you wrote and I feel the same way. Thanks so much for sharing!! Happy WFW!!

FancyHorse said...

Perfect testimony of the true values of life. The things of this earth will perish, but God's Word endures forever! Amen!

Ruth MacC said...


M said...

your niece aubrey would like a picture of herself on your blog cause she is part of your last 34 years.

love you.