Thursday, June 25, 2009

Party For Special Friend

This morning, it was my pleasure to invite a special young friend, her mom (my forever friend), and another forever friend for a brunch in my back yard in what we call the Rabbit Deck since we once housed rabbits beneath this roof. Kristi has finished the first two years of Med school and is home for a vacation before she begins rotations in hospitals. She'll be putting all that book knowledge into practice. She also has a masters degree in epidemiology from Texas A&M. I wanted to get together for a visit before she left and let her know how proud we are of her. I tried some new recipes, brought out the blue willow, white table cloths, gossamer, twinkly lights, and cut flowers from the garden. We sprayed Listerine around the edge of the roof and we weren't bothered by the mosquitos. Have you ever heard of that approach? Well, either it was too hot for them to attend the party or the Listerine worked. Though we started at 9:00 this morning, it was still very hot, even with the fans blowing. I probably won't prepare a few of those recipes again (One involved putting sardines, mustard, and several other ingredients in the blender...) but I like to give them a try. I love these ladies and am so thankful God put them in my life! Here a few pictures and if you want more, click on the Icon for Picasa Web Albums in the left column.


Anonymous said...

Aaaaawwww it looks so dreamy with the flowing curtains :-) I can't tell on the picture that it was to hot, nor can I see it in you faces :-) Isn't it a happy thing to be with the company of your love ones? :-)

Ruth MacC said...

The net curtains are lovely. What is that structure?