Monday, January 5, 2009

January 5th

If you can't quite see it, the title of his book is How To Diet...
I really mean it this year. I need to consider my health more seriously. And we have several special events. So, I must lose 25 pounds at minimum. Then, keep it off. I mean it. Really. I do.

We enjoyed a special time in our church Sunday. We heard about "encouraging ourselves in the Lord" as David did in the morning service. We returned at 4:00 to de-decorate. It didn't take as long to box decorations and store in the basement as it did to get out and put in place. We wanted to begin 2009 seeking God's wisdom so we decided to read the Proverbs aloud. Earlier in the week each volunteer reader had been given their chapters to read and pray over. There was something very special when each person stepped to the microphone and spoke God's Word from Proverbs. We read the first 16 chapters and then broke for a meal. We returned to the sanctuary and read the second half of the book and prayed.

"Holy words, long preserved for our walk in this world. They resound with God's own heart. Oh let the ancient words impart. Ancient Words, ever true. Changing me and changing you. We have come with open hearts. Oh let the ancient words impart."

Yes, Lord.


FancyHorse said...

I love Norman Rockwell - he really captured human nature, didn't he?

I love that your church is reading Proverbs. We read it to our sons when they were in high school.

We've sung that hymn that you quoted at the end, and I really like it a lot.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

You don't have thrift stores in your town? Oh I would be such a sad woman!

But my husband sure would be a happy man! ;o)

I love that you & hubby prayed on New Year's's very touching! Next year (if I make it until midnight) I would love to be praying about the coming year, instead of hooting it up & smooching hubby.

Ruth MacC said...

A woman with a blog called Amy's Humble Musings started a 12 week programme, trying to loose weight. She is a christian and very down to earth. I visit her blog a lot. Anyway, because of her a lot of women have decided to gibe loosing weight a go, including me! I started my own blog/diary about my weight etc so perhapy you can check it out? Maybe she will encourage you like Amy encouraged me?